Tuesday 8 August 2023

10:00am - 3:00pm

Pre-Conference Tour – Rainforestation Australian Experience

9:00am - 12:00pm

Pre-Conference Tour – Hands on Country Eco-Tour

5:00pm - 7:00pm

Welcome Reception and Welcome to Country

The Backyard by Shangri-La The Marina

Wednesday 9 August 2023

8:30am - 9:00am

Conference Opening:
Welcome by Conference Chair
Welcome by ICAZ President

Plenary 1 & 2
9:00am - 10:00am

Plenary Session:
The Promise and Pitfalls of Zooarchaeology and Historical Ecology in the Age of the Anthropocene: Cases Studies from California’s Channel Islands

Todd Braje
Plenary 1 & 2
10:00am - 10:30am | MORNING TEA
10:30am - 12:30pm
Ancient Baselines: Exploring the Emergence of Biocultural Diversity
Plenary 1

When and How did the Domestic Cat Come to Central Europe?

Danijela Popović
Redcliff’s Flat: A 14th Century Moa-Hunting Village. New Opportunity for Interpretation with an Expanded Faunal Dataset
Sheryl Cawte
Radiocarbon and Genomic Evidence for the Survival of Equus Sussemionus Until the Late Holocene
Dawei Cai
Human Management of Domestic and Wild Ungulates on the Outer Hebrides, Scotland: A Case Study from the Site of Bornais
Hanna Marie Pageau
PalaeoFarm: Estimating Phenotypic and Genetic Diversity in Eurasian Cattle, Chicken and Pigs
Ashleigh Haruda
8000 Years of Biological and Cultural Evolution of Domestic Species in the North Western Mediterranean Basin
Allowen Evin
Baa, Baa, Black Sheep, Have You Any Wool? Sheep Throughout the Ages and Continents
Plenary 2
Exploring the Morphometric Characteristics of Sheep Breeds in the Ancient Near East
Emmanuelle Vila
Sheep Size in the Catalan Pre-Pyrenees from the Iron Age to High Middle Ages: New Data and Some Reflections
Karl Cajtak
Link, Exchanges and Homogenization of Sheep Between Iron Age and Antiquity in the North Western Mediterranean Basin
Marine Jeanjean
Searching for a GMM Standardised Protocol for Sheep Astragalus: First Attempts, First Problems and First Conclusions

Lidia Colominas

A Surprisingly Early Date for Sheep Remains in Mt Gambier Sinkholes, South Australia
Julien Louys
Molecular Archaeological Study of Domestic Sheep Remains Excavated from Changning Site
Guangjie Song
“Where the Rewilding Things Should Go”: Restoring Ecosystem Function by Connecting Insights from the Past and the Present
Meeting Room M9

Impacts of Pleistocene Extinctions on Zooarchaeological Assemblages From Around the World

Benjamin E. Carter

Finding the Devils in the Details: Actualistic Studies to Inform Our Understanding of Tasmanian Devil (Sarcophilus harrisii) Diet in Different Environments

Lauren Cunningham

Using Late Quaternary Cave Deposits from Northeastern Queensland, Australia to Establish Biodiversity Baselines for Conservation

Vikram Vakil

Rewilding in Partnership with Australian Aboriginal Communities

Michael Westaway


Geochemical Analyses of Zooarchaeological Remains for Climate, Seasonality, Dietary, and Mobility Reconstructions

Meeting Room M10

Looking at Contemporary Marine Gastropod Shells: A Path to Decrypt Holocene People-ENSO Information Stored in Buried Shells in the Great Barrier Reef

Mahsa Alidoostsalimi

Trace Element Analysis of Archaeological and Modern Snapper (Chrysophrys auratus) Otoliths: Implications for Pre-European Māori Fisheries in the Hauraki Gulf, Northern New Zealand

Matthew Campbell

One of These Clams is Not Like the Others: Negotiating Precision in Archaeological Reconstructions of Sea-Surface Temperatures and Shellfish Harvesting with Isotope Sclerochronology

Meghan Burchell

Investigating Late Quaternary Environmental Change and Seasonal Resource Use on Ngintait Country in the Central Murray Basin Using Freshwater Mollusc Sclerochronology

Chloe Stringer

30-Years of Paleoenvironmental Variation in the Northern Great Barrier Reef Reconstructed from Little Ice Age Giant Clam Shell Geochemistry

Bohao Dong

Multi-Proxy Analyses of Marine and Terrestrial Gastropod Shells Reveal Palaeoenvironmental Context for Middle to Upper Palaeolithic Hominins in the Levant

Amy Prendergast

12:30pm - 1:30pm | LUNCH & POSTERS
1:30pm - 3:30pm
Aquatic Transformations: Archaeozoology and Applied Historical Ecology in Wetland and Intertidal Ecosystems
Plenary 1
The Historical Ecology of Bycatch: Archaeological Perspectives on Sharks, Skates, and Rays in Southern California
Todd Braje
Proyekto Paisahe Kultural di Kòrsou: The Historical Ecology of Curaçao’s Cultural Landscapes
Christina Giovas
Fish in Pubs: Assessing the Scientific Potential of Informal Taxidermy Murray Cod Collections
Paul Humphries
Multiscale Zooarchaeological Analysis of Sea Urchins (genus Strongylocentrotus and Mesocentrotus) and Kelp-Dependent Fauna to Infer the Health of Kelp-Forest Ecosystems on the Channel Islands, California
Jeremy McFarland
The Edges of Applied Historical Ecology and Marine Conservation: Zooarchaeology & Coastal Indigenous resource use from the intertidal to the continental shelf in the NE Pacific
Iain McKechnie
Investigating the Historical Trade of Cuttlefishes (Sepiidae) Through the Ancient DNA Analysis of Archaeological Cuttlebones
Thomas C.A. Royle
Biomolecular Strategies for Zooarchaeology: New Advances in ZooMS and Shotgun Palaeoproteomics
Plenary 2
Investigating the Fragmented Osseous Assemblages of the Swabian Jura Using ZooMS and Zooarchaeology
Samantha Brown
Life at the Crossroads: Biomolecular Insights into Chalcolithic Period of the Lesser Caucasus
Mariya Antonosyan
Legacy Collections from the New Guinea Highlands: Biomolecular Approaches to Understanding Early Subsistence Strategies in Tropical Island Environments
Annette Oertle
Collagen Fingerprinting Traces the Introduction of Caprines to Eastern Africa
Courtney Culley
Were Chickens Successively Bred During the Yayoi Period in Japan? Collagen Peptide Fingerprinting and Radiocarbon Dating Approaches
Masaki Eda
Diverse Records of Human and Animal Interactions in the Americas
Meeting Room M9

Contextualizing Avian Management Decisions: A Case Study from Paquimé, Mexico

Caitlin Ainsworth

Shell Ornaments: Objects for Life and Death in Societies that Inhabited the Río de la Plata Coast Between ca. 3000 and 400 Years BP

Laura Beovide

Terrible Turtles: The Challenge and Success of aDNA Research on River Turtle Population Dynamics in Mesoamerica

Arianne Boileau

Fauna of the Colombian Caribbean During the Formative (3,300 BC): The Case of the Sueños de Libertad Site, Bolívar-Colombia

Diana Carvajal Contreras

Modeling Fishing Decisions along the South American Pacific Coast

Jean Hudson

Human Modification of Giant Sloth Bones in Brazil: Deep-Investigation of Artifacts from the Last Glacial Maximum

Thais Pansani

Geochemical Analyses of Zooarchaeological Remains for Climate, Seasonality, Dietary, and Mobility Reconstructions

Meeting Room M10

A Paleoenvironmental Framework: Using Mammoth Teeth for High-Resolution Reconstructions of the Paleoclimate and Human-Environment Interactions in the MIS 3 Rhine Catchment

Zuorui Liu

Farming and Feasting at the Bronze Age – Iron Age Transition in Britain: Multi-Isotope Evidence for Societal Change

Richard Madgwick

‘And How Are You Mooing Today?’ Herd Management in the Neolithic and Copper Age of Eastern Croatia

Goran Tomac

Moo-ving Around the Landscape: Isotopic Evidence for Cattle Mobility and Interconnections in the Southern Levant During the Early Bronze Age

Eleutério Abreu De Sousa

Disentangling the Mobility of Sheep and Goat Flocks at the LBA Hittite Şapinuva (Turkey) Through Sr, O and C Isotopes

Evangelia Piskin

Evaluating the Applicability of Cervid Teeth as Terrestrial Climate Proxies: Reflections on Modern Case Studies and Archaeological Examples

Suzanne Pilaar Birch

3:30pm - 4:00pm | AFTERNOON TEA
4:00pm - 5:00pm
Aquatic Transformations: Archaeozoology and Applied Historical Ecology in Wetland and Intertidal Ecosystems
Plenary 1
3000 Years of Oyster Fisheries: A View from Southeast Queensland, Australia
Tam Smith
The Zooarchaeology of Grey Whales and Walruses: Reconstructing Extirpations and the Historical Ecology of Selected Marine Mammals
Youri van den Hurk
Biomolecular Strategies for Zooarchaeology: New Advances in ZooMS and Shotgun Palaeoproteomics
Plenary 2
Integrating ZooMS and Zooarchaeology at the Late Pleistocene Site of Devil’s Lair (Southwest Australia)
Carli Peters
Ozboneprot: Exploring Shotgun Proteomics in Australian Zooarchaeological and Palaeontological Assemblages
Sofia Samper Carro
Shotgun Proteomics of Archaeological Materials Uncovers Hidden Minutiae of Past Subsistence
Shevan Wilkin
Diverse Records of Human and Animal Interactions in the Americas
Meeting Room M9

Mammal Morphometrics and Environmental Change Among the Ancient Maya

Autumn Rose

Multispecies Stories: An Approach to Human-Animal Relationships at the AZ-71 Funerary Site in Azapa Valley, South-Central Andes, Chile (1300 BC-800 AD)

Michelle Salgado Calquín

Animals as Persons: Identifying Human-Animal Relationships at the Indigenous Ceramic Age Site of El Carril, Dominican Republic

Zoë van Litsenburg

Geochemical Analyses of Zooarchaeological Remains for Climate, Seasonality, Dietary, and Mobility Reconstructions

Meeting Room M10

Sulfur Isotopes are an Indicator of Wetland Use

Eric Guiry

To Treat or Not to Treat? Methodological Considerations for Carbon and Oxygen Isotope Analysis of Enamel

Karolina Varkuleviciute


Thursday 10 August 2023

9:00am - 10:00am

Plenary Session:
The Undiscovered Country’: Some Musings on Where Next for Archaeozoology?

Keith Dobney
Plenary 1 & 2
10:00am - 10:30am | MORNING TEA
10:30am - 12:30pm
Zooarchaeology of the Modern Era
Plenary 1

From Food Source to Transport: Bison and Horse on the Southern High Plains (USA). Taphonomy as a Tool for Further Insights into the Plains Lifeways of the 17th and 18th Centuries

Lila Jones

Nineteenth-Century Chinese Diaspora Fisheries in the American West and Beyond

Ryan Kennedy

Contrasting Identities: Comparing Faunal Remains From Chinese and European Settlement Contexts at Two Late 19th/Early 20th Century Queensland Archaeological Sites

Marc Cheeseman

The Transportation of Oysters in 19th-Century North America and Its Impact on Inland Foodways

Eric Tourigny

Dogs and Their People: Past Insights into the Diversity of Human-Canid Relationships
Plenary 2
Tracking Dog Morphologies Through Time: A Large-Scale Story
Keith Dobney
Ancient DNA Reveals the Origin of Modern Dingoes
Yassine Souilmi
Dingoes, Den Raids, and the Domestication of Dogs from Wolves
Adam Brumm
Nature vs. Nurture: Evaluating Physical and Genetic Variability in Pre-Contact Dingoes
Melanie Fillios
Tracks to Domestication: The Dingo Example
Jane Balme
Coastal-Climate Historicity of Human-Animal Relations in South Asia
Meeting Room M9

Human-Animal Relations Reflected in an Ancient Indian Sanskrit Text – Kautiliya Arthashastra

Gauri Bedekar

Strontium Isotope Analysis of Domestic Animal Remains from Dholavira to Reconstruct Their Migration/Mobility Patterns

Sharada Channarayapatna

Multi-Faceted Analysis of Shells from the Prehistoric Shell Midden Site of Bambhanka Near Dholavira, District Kachchh, Gujarat (India)

Ungka Padi

The Future of Lakshadweep Islands: Carbonate Sediment Production and Accumulation in Ongoing Climate Warming

Shradha Menon

Challenges and Solutions in Creating FAIR and CAREing Zooarchaeological Data – Panel Discussion
Meeting Room M10


Kitty K. Emery

Nicole Fuller

Jennifer Green

Michelle LeFebvre

Suzanne Pilaar Birch

12:30pm - 1:30pm | LUNCH & POSTERS
1:30pm - 3:30pm

Where Have We Been and Where are We Going? Papers Celebrating 50 Years of Archaeozoology

Plenary 1

Zooarchaeology, Open Laboratories, and Community Building

Umberto Albarella

ICAZ and Animal Paleopathology

László Bartosiewicz

Stable Isotope Analysis in Zooarchaeology: Past, Present, and Future

Suzanne Pilaar Birch

Trends in Archaeomalacology

Daniella Bar-Yosef

Opportunities, Expectations, and Challenges Around Legacy and New Zooarchaeological Data

Sarah Whitcher Kansa


Dogs and Their People: Past Insights into the Diversity of Human-Canid Relationships

Plenary 2
Molecular Archaeological Study of Domestic Dog Remains Excavated from Honghe Site
Xingcheng Wang
Archaeogenetical Study of Domestic Dog in East Asia
Xiayire Xiaokaiti
Dogs, Dog Teeth Valuables, and Social Exchange in Near Oceania

Karen Greig

Dogs as Food: Desperate Times for Inuit Inhabitants of a Winter Dwelling at Qaqaitsut, NW Greenland
Christyann Darwent
Feeding Marine Resources to Dogs at Bronze Age Shell-Midden Sites in Southern China by Compound-Specific Nitrogen Isotope Analysis
Yu Itahashi


Interpreting Human Paleoecology Using Multi-Proxy Evidence to Reconstruct Past Environments: Integrating Faunal Data with Other Paleoenvironmental Proxies
Meeting Room M9
Placing Environmental Proxy Data from Faunal Remains Within the Chronological Framework of the Late Glacial in Central Europe

Gillian Wong

A Multi-Proxy Approach to Exploring Oyster Harvesting Practices in Southwestern Madagascar

Danielle Buffa

Tracking 7,000 Years of Coastal Subsistence Flexibility and the Great Lutruwita/Tasmania Fish Controversy
Fleur King
Adaptive Prehispanic Strategies in the Ecological Diversity of the Columbian Caribbean
Sergio Andrés Castro Mendez
Ancient Indigenous Fisheries Reveal a Warming Ocean in the Northeast Pacific: The Palaeothermometer Approach
Dylan Hillis
Integrating Marsupial Remains into Palaeoecological Reconstructions in Northwest Australia
Erin Mein
Gerrupa-tjarra Weeagoon (Animal Connections): Decolonising and Incorporating Traditional Knowledge into Zooarchaeology
Meeting Room M10

Cloak Stories: Identifying Bunya (Possum) Skin Cloak Production on Yung Balug Country, Central Victoria by Weaving Together Traditional Ecological Knowledge and Archaeology

Amos Atkinson

Pig and Black Bear in Indigenous Stories and Practices in the American South

Heather Lapham

Ngayoo Wiliyanoo: I am the Freshwater Mussel

Emily Poelina-Hunter

Andu, Yamarti and Warratyi: A Systematic, Palaeoecological Analysis of the Late Quaternary Vertebrate Assemblage from Warratyi Rock Shelter, South Australia’s Oldest Aboriginal Site (Adnyamathanha Country, Northern Flinders Ranges)

Cate Sexton

Developing Frameworks to Integrate Traditional Ecological Knowledge and Zooarchaeology

Jillian Garvey

3:30pm - 4:00pm | AFTERNOON TEA
4:00pm - 5:20pm

Where Have We Been and Where are We Going? Papers Celebrating 50 Years of Archaeozoology

Plenary 1

Zooarchaeology and Public Engagement: Successes, Challenges and the Future

Angelos Hadjikoumis
Bringing the Strands Together: Forging Consensus on the Study of Worked Hard Osseous Materials
Alice Choyke


Dogs and Their People: Past Insights into the Diversity of Human-Canid Relationships

Plenary 2
Barrat-car-loon ngarrwabil-nhuk burdu’auan dawaal baap kaal’ Reawakening Sleeping Traditional Knowledge of the Dingo (Darrwal/Kaal): The Importance of Dingo Culture in South-Eastern Australia
Kelly Ann Blake
Dog Consumption in the Classical and Hellenistic Period (5th -2nd Centuries BCE): New Case Studies from Bulgaria
Stella Nikolova


Economic Migrants, Uninvited Guests: Zooarchaeological Perspectives of the Mechanisms and Impact of Animal Introductions via Global Sea Networks
Meeting Room M9
Environmental and Sociocultural Challenges Affected the Temporal Spread of the Domestic Chicken Across Eurasia and Africa
Joris Peters
Black and Brown Rats: Reviewing the Evidence for Maritime Dispersal and Interspecific Competition
Michelle Feider
Coprolites Document the First 700-Years of Interactions Between an Invasive Rat and an Island Biota
Jamie Wood
Crúibne: An Early Irish ‘Cat of Barn and Mill’
Fiona Beglane

Friday 11 August 2023

9:00am - 10:00am

Plenary Session:
A Life in Zooarchaeology: Looking Back and Looking Ahead

Diane Gifford-Gonzalez
Plenary 1 & 2
10:00am - 10:30am | MORNING TEA
10:30am - 12:30pm
The Forefront of Zooarchaeology in Asian Coasts and Islands
Plenary 1

Ancient Genome Analyses of Dogs from the Epi-Jomon and the Okhotsk Periods in the Japan Archipelago

Yohey Terai

Multidisciplinary Research on the Japanese Lynx

Takao Sato

Extinction of Endemic Deer and Increase of Wild Boar After Human Arrival on Miyako Island, Japan

Masaki Fujita

New Findings on Taphonomy of Pleistocene Extinct Deer Remains Excavated from the Shimojibaru Cave, Kume Island, Okinawa, Japan

Ryohei Sawaura

The First Faunal Record from the Great Papuan Plateau

Tiina Manne

Early Marine Resources Exploitation in the Ryukyu Islands, from 37,000 to 200 BP: From a Regional to an Asian-Pacific Perspective

Clara Boulanger

Multiproxy Studies to Assess Diets, Habitats, Seasonality and Mobility in the Archaeological Record (Dedicated to the Memory of Richard Cooke)
Plenary 2
An Introduction to Integrative Analyses of Fossil Assemblages to Infer Ungulates Diets, Habitats, Seasonality and Mobility

Florent Rivals

Seasonality, Diet and Habitat of the Plio-Pleistocene Mammals from the Guefaït-4.2 Site (Eastern Morocco)
Iván Ramirez Pedraza
Assessing Mobility and Seasonality from a Fragmented Bone Assemblage: The Case of Amud Cave (Middle Palaeolithic, Israel)
Anaelle Jallon
Reconstructing the Diet and Landscape Use of Wild Horses from Neolithic North-Western Continental Europe Through Tooth Wear and Isotopic Analyses
Jacob Kveiborg
Is the Grass Really Greener on the Other Side? What Can Dental Microwear Tell Us About the Diet and Husbandry of Sheep and Goats During the 5th Millennium BCE in Southern Germany?
Nadine Nolde
Looking for the Herd: Livestock Practices and Animal Feeding in the Northeastern Iberian Peninsula in Late Antiquity (4th-8th c. AD)
Abel Gallego Valle
General Session
Meeting Room M9

Anthropogenic Modifications of Small Mammals from Liang Bua (Flores, Indonesia): How Many Ways are there to Eat a Rat?

Elizabeth Veatch

A Tale of Few Kitties: Investigating Markers of Domestication and Variation in Felis Silvestris Subspecies, Using Osteological and Geometric Morphometric Methods

Sophie A. Miller

Horse Consumption in Late Bronze Age Estonia, North-Eastern Europe

Eve Rannamäe

Life on the Edge: Animal Exploitation at the Shichengzi Military Fort (Xinjiang, China)

Ningning Dong

Three Middle Bronze Age Tombs from Jericho: A Study of Mortuary Practices & Legacy Collections using Faunal Remains

Tracy King

“Cuts Like a Knife”: A Non-Destructive Cementum Seasonality Study Using the Canadian Light Source Synchrotron

Tina Greenfield

Making Material Culture, Making Meaning
Meeting Room M10
Symbolic Shells of the Middle Palaeolithic
Daniella Bar-Yosef
42,000 Years of Melo Shell Knife Production in Northern Australia: A Comparative Study of Archaeological, Experimental & Ethnographic Data
Fiona Hook
Chank Shell Beads from the Prehistoric Site of Qulong in Ngari Prefecture, Tibet, China
Juan Wang
Use of Cowries in Ancient and Medieval India with Special Reference to Vadnagar in Gujarat
Arati Deshpande-Mukherjee
Bone Tools Bring Vanished Technologies to Light
Justin Bradfield
12:30pm - 1:30pm | LUNCH & POSTERS
1:30pm - 3:30pm
The Forefront of Zooarchaeology in Asian Coasts and Islands
Plenary 1

Marine Resources Exploitation and Maritime Adaptation in the Southern Ryukyu During the Neolithic: A Case from Shimotabaru Shell-Mound Site on Hateruma Island

Rintaro Ono

Exploitation of Sus Scrofa Specimens in Prehistoric Ryukyu Islands

Kei Aono

Late Neolithic Fishing Strategies of Coastal Southeast China: A Case Study from the Guye Site

Chong Yu

Changing Oracle Bone Divination in East Asia: Animal Resource Dependent Technological Transmission

Jie Shen

Prehistoric Fishing and the Utilization of Aquatic Resources in Neolithic Vietnam

Fredeliza Campos

The Bilat Cave Shell Midden in Mindoro Island, Central Philippines: A Prehistoric Coastal Environment Study

Marie Grace Pamela Faylona

Multiproxy Studies to Assess Diets, Habitats, Seasonality and Mobility in the Archaeological Record (Dedicated to the Memory of Richard Cooke)
Plenary 2
Preliminary Results of Dental Micro-Wear Analysis of Faunal Remains from Late Pleistocene Coastal Lebanon
Gabriele Russo
Horse Teeth as Retouchers: An Experimental Approach to Test Their Effectiveness and Characterise Use Wear Traces
Cristian Micó Sanchis
A New Open-Access Method to Apply GIS Techniques to the Study of Anthropogenic Bone Surface Modifications
Eboni Westbury
Cementum Increment Analysis of Horse Teeth Sheds Light on the Seasonality of the Burial Mounds Creation and Specific Elements of the Scythians Cultural Traditions
Natalya Prilepskaya
Southern Rock Lobster (Jasus edwardsii) Exploitation by Tasmanian Aboriginal People
Richard Cosgrove
Regional Comparison of 13C and 15N Isotope Analyses in the Southern Maya Lowlands: The Case of Deer Meat Consumption in the Late Classic Period and its Socio-Political Implications
Coral Montero
The Integration of Zooarchaeology and History
Meeting Room M9

Challenges and Opportunities in the Integration of Zooarchaeological and Historical Data: Some Examples

Umberto Albarella

Horse Feeding Management in the Western Zhou Dynasty

Hiroki Kikuchi

Intra-Urban Animal Husbandry in Roman Sicily: Integrating Agronomic Advice and Faunal Evidence to Dissect the Rural-Urban Landscape Dichotomy

Eden Franz

Eating Horses in Medieval Hungary

László Bartosiewicz

Understanding Subsistence and Survival Along the Medieval Long Wall System of Northern China and Mongolia: A Zooarchaeological and Historical Analysis

Tikvah Steiner

Bridging the Gap: The Zooarchaeology and History of Medieval Japanese Horses

Manabu Uetsuki

Making Material Culture, Making Meaning
Meeting Room M10
Glimpsing Behaviour and Perishable Material Culture Through Bone Assemblages
Rebecca Jones
Bone Deep: An Experimental Investigation into the Potential of Identifying Cassowary Skin Use from Cut Marks on the Bones
Tessa Knights
Use-Wear Analysis and Experimental Studies of Bone Tools in Leang Jarie, Indonesia
Salmia Salmia
Mapping an Awl in a Haystack: An ArcGIS Spatial Analysis of Generational Changes in Bone Tool Use and Distribution in Early Urban Residences at Early Bronze Age III Tell eṣ-Ṣâfi/Gath, Israel
Haskel Greenfield
Gathered, Exchanged And (Re)Valued? Identifying Semi-Specialized Antler Working In Middle Bronze Age Hungary
Alice Choyke
3:30pm - 4:00pm | AFTERNOON TEA
4:00pm - 5:00pm
Plenary 1
The Forefront of Zooarchaeology in Asian Coasts and Islands

An Eco-Archaeological Analysis of Human-Mollusc Interactions During 3000 Years from Early Lapita to the Present in the Western Pacific

Carla Catterall

Not Just Red Meat: Ichthyoarchaeological Perspectives on Indus Civilisation Settlements in Gujarat, India

Abhayan Girija Sasidharan

The Fertile Coast: A New Insight into Maritime Adaptations During the Neolithic of South-East Arabia

Mark Jonathan Beech

Multiproxy Studies to Assess Diets, Habitats, Seasonality and Mobility in the Archaeological Record (Dedicated to the Memory of Richard Cooke)
Plenary 2
Investigating Precontact Resource Conservation of Artiodactyl Populations in the San Francisco Bay Area
Jill Eubanks
A Multiproxy Study of the Anterior Extremity of the Ancient Island Dwarf Deer from Playa don Bernardo Archaeological Site (Pedro Gonzalez Island, Pearl Island Archipelago, Panama)
Maria Fernanda Martinez-Polanco
The Integration of Zooarchaeology and History
Meeting Room M9

Box Office Bears: Integrating Zooarchaeology, Ancient Biomolecules and Archives to Explore Bear Baiting in Early Modern England

Lizzie Wright

What Are These Cats Doing in a Burial at OCP Culture Site of Sinauli, District Baghpat, Uttar Pradesh, India? An Osteo-Metric Approach

Vijay Sathe


Saturday 12 August 2023

8:30am - 10:00am

Plenary Panel Session:
Traditional Knowledge, Climate Change and Human Impacts: Past, Present and Future

Amos Atkinson
Shawnee Gorringe
Cassandra Rowe
Sofia Samper Carro
Jamie Tarrant
Plenary 1 & 2
10:00am - 10:30am | MORNING TEA
10:30am - 12:30pm
Bone and Shell Fishhooks: A Close Up into Fishing Technology to Explore Knowledge, Tradition, Exchange, Migration and Beyond
Plenary 1
Fishhooks in the Wallacean Archipelago
Sue O’Connor
Fishhooks, Fishhooks, and Djenj: The Bone Fishing Technology of Madjedbebe, Northern Australia
Michelle Langley
Taxonomic Identification of Hawaiian Bone Fishhooks Using Zooarchaeology by Mass Spectrometry (ZooMS)
Mary-Louise Lambourne
Manufacture Marks on Shell Fishhooks: Technological Knowledge and Tradition of Coastal and Maritime Societies Along the Pacific Coast of Chile
Carola Flores Fernandez
Human Ecodynamics in Tropical East Polynesia
Plenary 2
Piecing Together the Settlement of the Pacific with Pacific Rat Genomics
Catherine Collins
A Pig’s Perspective on Human Settlement in the Pacific
Meriam van Os
Small Fishes and Mass Capture in East Polynesia
Reno Nims
Tracking Shifts in Society Islands Marine Subsistence Through Time: Intra-Site Analysis of Faunal Remains and Fishing Gear
Alexis Ohman
Bone Counting, Taxonomic Identification, and Biomass Estimation: A New Survey of Three Fishbone Assemblages from the Gambier Islands, French Polynesia
Vahine Ahuura Rurua
Seafood for Thought: An Ethnoarchaeological Investigation of Shellfishing Practices on Ua Huka (Marquesas Island, French Polynesia)
Gabrielle Traversat
Opportunities and Challenges in Improving Stewardship of Physical and Digital Collections
Meeting Room M9
Challenges in Legacy Zooarchaeological Specimen and Data Curation
Kitty F. Emery
Open Science and Digital Data for Zooarchaeological Comparative Collections: Emerging Capacities for Indigenous Knowledge and Environmental Research on the Northwest Coast of North America
Kathryn McKenzie
Starting from Scratch: Setting up an Accessible Faunal Reference Collection in Cyprus
Angelos Hadjikoumis
Digital Futures? Creating Accessible Archives at the Deutsches Archäologisches Institut for Future Generations
Rosalind Gillis
A FAIR Farm: Conducting a Pilot-Study on How to Take Meaningful Photographs of Unidentified Zooarchaeological Material
Nora Battermann
Experiences in the Constitution and Curation of Physical and Digital Reference Collections: Examples from Spain, Portugal, United States, Estonia, and Iran

Sarah Whitcher Kansa

Dynamic Waterscapes: Places of Abundance, Innovation, and Ritual Performance
Meeting Room M10
Deep Time Indigenous Marine Fisheries of the Northern Great Barrier Reef
Ariana Lambrides
Molluscs of Jiigurru: A Study of Past People-Reef Interaction on the Great Barrier Reef
Michael Kneppers
Syltholm: A Late Mesolithic/Early Neolithic Dynamic Waterscape in Southern Denmark
Peter Rowley-Conwy
Investigating Dynamics of an Eastern Jordanian Wetland During the Late Pleistocene and Early Holocene: Avifaunal Remains from a 4000 Year Sequence of Occupation
Lisa Yeomans
Aquaculture in the Ancient World: Ecosystem Engineering, Domesticated Landscapes, and the First Blue Revolution
Ashleigh Rogers
12:30pm - 1:30pm | LUNCH
1:30pm - 3:30pm

Underwater Bone Taphonomy

Plenary 1

How Underwater Bone Taphonomy Looks Like? Reevaluating Taphonomic Indicators in a Late Pleistocene Drowned Terrestrial Site, Chile

Isabel Cartajena

Virtual Vertebrate Taphonomy and the Fate of the Pleistocene Age Woman from Hoyo Negro, a Submerged Natural Trap in Mexico

Joaquín  Arroyo-Cabrales

Histotaphonomic Markers in Drowned Extinct Fauna: Insights from the GNLQ1 Bone Assemblage (Central Chile)

Sebastian Yrarrázaval

Wisdom of Bones: Study of Bones as Storehouse of Information of Diet and Environment
Plenary 1

Applications of Bone Histology in Tracking Exploitation Markers: From the Site of Inamgaon, Maharashtra

Prateek Chakraborty

Trace Element Analysis in the Faunal remains Recovered from Archaeological Sites of Garhwal Himalaya, India: Implications on Dietary Reconstruction

Yogambar Singh Farswan


Human Ecodynamics in Tropical East Polynesia
Plenary 2
‘More than Meats the Eye’: Developing a Ritual Zooarchaeology Framework in East Polynesia
Iona Claringbold
A Bird in the Hand Serves Many Purposes: Exploring the Cultural Role of Birds in Marquesan History
Patricia Pillay

Luxury Foods, Status, and Hierarchy: The Temporal Development of Tapu-Based Food Restrictions in the Late Pre-Contact Society Island Chiefdoms

Jennifer Kahn
What Can Fishhooks, Adzes and Dogs Tell Us About Past East Polynesian Interactions?
Richard Walter


Virginia Butler
General Session
Meeting Room M9

Interdisciplinary Considerations of Archaeological Content in High School Pedagogy

John Blank

A Review of Actualistic Butchery Studies: Past Publication Patterns and Future Research Recommendations

Briana Pobiner

Skeletal Profiles of Birds in the Archaeological Record: Disentangling Bird Locomotion from Human Activity

Nadja Pöllath

Using More Elements in Archaeological Fish Bone Identification Yields New Insights into Marine Subsistence in the Tropics

Samantha Stephens

New Quaternary Cave Sites on the Island of Malta

Mathew Stewart

Insights into Dwarf Stegodon (Stegodon florensis florensis) Palaeobiology Based on Rib Histology

Pauline Basilia

The Zooarchaeology of Ritual Communities and Landscapes
Meeting Room M10

Faunal Remains from the 1st-2nd Millennium Migdol Temple, Pella, Jordan: A Comparison of Temple and Non-Temple Contexts

Karyn Wesselingh

Animals in Domestic Ritual Landscapes in the Netherlands

Maaike Groot

The Girl and Her Pets: A Unique Tomb from the Chalcolithic Enclosure of Camino De Las Yeseras (Madrid, Spain)

Corina Liesau von Lettow-Vorbeck

Woolly Rhinoceroses and the Roots of Ritualism

Kamilla Pawłowska

A Tale of Two Tali: A Context-Based Faunal Study of the Ritual Landscape of Mycenae in the Late Bronze Age

Jacqueline Meier

Seasonality, Hunting Patterns and Life Histories of Ritual Wild Boars from Early Neolithic Asiab

Petra Vaiglova

3:30pm - 4:00pm | AFTERNOON TEA
4:00pm - 5:30pm | ICAZ General Meeting
Meeting Rooms M9 & M10
7:00pm - 11:00pm | Conference Dinner
Plenary 1 & 2

Sunday 13 August 2023

8:30am - 5:00pm

Post Conference Tour – Dreamtime Snorkel Reef Cruise